Quarter/LSD : (Number from 1-16 or NE, NW, SE, SW)
Section :* (Number from 1-36)
Township : * (Number from 1-126)
Range :* (Number from 1-30)
Meridian : *

Help finding by Legal Land Description

You will normally see the legal land description written as: NE-16-74-20-W4 (Quarter Section-Section-Township-Range-Meridian).

This search will narrow the results to the section.

Explanation of Legal Land Description

Meridians are lines of longitude (they run north/south) based on the Dominion Land Survey. In Alberta, they start at 110° West as the 4th Meridian, which runs north/south along the Alberta-Saskatchewan border. The 5th Meridian is 114° West running north/south near the centre of the province. The 6th Meridian is 118° West running north/south closer to the north-western border

Township lines run east/west with township 1 starting at the Canada/US Border and increasing every 6 miles north. Valid Township values range from 1 to 126.

Range lines run north/south, starting at 1 at each meridian and increasing every 6 miles west from 1 to 30.

Section numbers start at the southeast corner of a Township (6x6 mile cell) and run from 1 to 36.


Quarter Sections divide a section in 4 parts: NE, NW, SE, SW. A section can also be divided into 16 cells called legal subdivisions (LSDs) starting at the SE with 1, then following the pattern below.


For more information on the Alberta Township System visit Alberta Environment and Parks site.

Use Conversion tools to convert Alberta Township System (ATS), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), and latitude/longitude (geographic degrees) to other co-ordinates.